Techniques for Relaxing Your Mind

Falling asleep can be challenging if you’re unaware of the techniques for relaxing your mind. Stress and anxiety can occupy your mind, and calming it is essential for a good night’s sleep. Try meditation, mantras, or notecards to record your worries and thoughts before bed.

It takes a few deep breaths to calm an anxious mind. If you’re having trouble falling asleep, try reading a book or meditation for at least 10 minutes.

Relaxation Techniques

Using a relaxation technique is a tried-and-true method for falling asleep quickly. Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) involves gradually tensing and relaxing different muscle groups in your body, such as the thighs, upper arms, and stomach.

Then, you can simply sleep thinking about each aspect of your body. Guided progressive muscle meditations are available online. Using this technique may be helpful if you suffer from anxiety, depression, or trouble falling asleep.

Melatonin Supplements

The pineal gland located in the brain is responsible for producing the hormone called melatonin. It controls the body’s sleep-wake cycle. Insomnia affects about 30% of adults, while fifteen to twenty percent experience short periods of insomnia lasting fewer than three months.

About 10% of adults experience chronic insomnia. If you are among these people, you may consider taking melatonin supplements. They effectively make falling asleep easier, but they have some limitations.

Meditation Before You Go to Sleep

If you find that meditation is difficult, try opening your eyes before you go to sleep. This signals your mind that it’s time to rest. Many people experience difficulty staying awake while meditating, so keeping your gaze anchored can help. A flickering plastic tea light can help, too. Finally, try meditating when you don’t have much energy if you’re having problems going asleep. This may make falling asleep easier.

Quiet Environment for a Better Night’s Sleep

It’s challenging to find quiet in today’s bustling society. We all know the effects of noise on our bodies, but silence can help us fall asleep. Research suggests that a quiet environment can help us achieve deeper, better sleep.

Even though the World Health Organization recommends keeping ambient noise levels below 40 decibels, we may not always be able to find a quiet environment in our bedroom. That’s why some people have turned to sound to help them get a better night’s sleep. It’s a simple and inexpensive method that has few known side effects.

Exercise to Avoid Falling Sleep

When should I exercise to avoid falling asleep easily? While it is possible to work out anytime, some researchers suggest that people stop exercising 90 minutes before bed to allow their heart rate and body temperature to return to normal.

Find the optimal time of day and method of exercise for you by trying out various options. Gentler forms of movement may be better for falling asleep than more strenuous ones. Try a short, 15-minute walk or gentle stretching if you can’t find the right timing.

About Dominic E.

Film Student and Full-time Medical Writer forĀ