Teas to Help with Sleep

This is important as many Americans have trouble getting a good night’s sleep due to a lack of exercise. The Art of Tea offers herbal tea blends to help you relax and fall asleep.

Valerian Root

Before trying a valerian plant infusion as a sleeping aid, you should know some things. First, valerian has soothing properties, so avoiding it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding is recommended. It may also adversely react with certain prescription medications. It may also make you dream more vividly, so you should avoid taking it if you have frequent nightmares. You can also use valerian as a muscle relaxant, but more research needs to be done to determine its effectiveness.

Green Tea

Drinking tea to relax before bed can help you sleep better. Calming chamomile tea is perfect for late-night stress. In addition, you will sleep better the following day after drunk chamomile tea.


A variety of different teas are known to promote sleep. However, they don’t work for everyone. Therefore, you should try various teas to determine which works best.


Teas have been used for centuries to induce sleep, and their calming properties are now backed by science. While many teas we drink have sedative properties, they are still best taken in moderation. If you have a health condition, visit your physician before using them, especially if you have a preexisting condition.

Lavender Latte

Before bed, drinking a cup of lavender latte tea can improve sleep quality.
Lavender has calming properties and is commonly used in aromatherapy. In addition, its scent is known to help people relax, which is why lavender is also available in tea form. However, if you’d prefer a caffeine-free drink, try chamomile tea instead. It has elements to reduce stress and inflammation.


Teas are a natural, safe alternative to sleeping medication and can help you sleep. Wide tea varieties have calming, soothing properties and can help you fall asleep. Particularly effective in settling an upset tummy is peppermint tea. So whether you drink it before bed or while trying to sleep, a cup of chamomile tea can help soothe you.

Tulsi Latte

If you’re struggling to fall asleep, try drinking tea. Different types work differently for others, but you can use them to induce relaxation. Try out several different flavors to determine which works best for you.


You can use various types of teas to help you relax before bed. Chamomile, for instance, is often recommended for calming the mind before bed. However, its calming properties are not a sleep aid but can help you drift off.

Honeybush Latte

Drinking tea is a popular way to help you get a good night’s sleep. This beverage is a blend of calming herbs that help you relax. Linden tea is particularly beneficial for sleep. It is rich in B vitamins and relieves digestive and immune problems. It can also help to soothe restless nerves.

About Dominic E.

Film Student and Full-time Medical Writer forĀ ContentVendor.com