Many individuals swear by teas like sleepy time to relax and prompt sleep, whether attempting to fall asleep after a hard day or wanting to ensure they receive the rest their bodies need. But how precisely do these herbal mixtures function?
Most sleepy-time teas contain chamomile tea, which has been demonstrated to aid with stress, anxiety, and sleeplessness. According to a 1996 study, chamomile contains substances similar to benzodiazepines, which lessen brain activity when eaten.
The herb lavender, known for its calming effects, is also an ingredient in lavender sleepy-time teas. A May 2020 study published in Complementary Therapies in Medicine found that lavender tea helped 30 older persons score less depressed and anxious.
Valerian Root
It has been found that the herb valerian root, frequently used in teas to induce sleep, offers anti-inflammatory and heart-health advantages. It boosts circulation, increases blood flow to the brain and heart, encourages relaxation, and treats nervous diseases like tension, headaches, and sleeplessness.
Tilia Flowers
Tilia flowers, also known as linden flowers, are another ingredient in many sleepy-time teas and have been proven to help with sleep disorders like insomnia and reduce inflammation and colds. In addition, Tilia flowers were beneficial for lowering stress, anxiety, and exhaustion in patients with chronic pain, according to a study published in Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology in February 2009.
Passionflower, proven to be a powerful sedative and anxiety reducer, is frequently found in sleepy-time teas. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a brain molecule that regulates mood and is believed to be essential for encouraging relaxation, has increased.
While some people choose a caffeine-free option, others believe that having a warm cup of sleepy-time tea will help their brain relax and get into a decent sleep rhythm. Whatever your taste, it’s critical to realize that these teas should only be used as a supplement to other methods for raising the quality of your sleep.
Regular use and incorporating the habit into your daily routine will increase the relaxing effects of sleepy time teas. According to nutritionist Charlotte Martin, M.S., R.D.N., a cup of this kind of tea in the evening will help you sleep better by telling your brain that it’s time to unwind and unwind before bed.
However, before including this substance in your daily routine, speak with your doctor if you’re looking for an immediate cure to help you fall and remain asleep. Long-term insomnia is not considered safely treated with this method, and some people may experience adverse effects.
Many people’s difficulties falling asleep are caused mainly by insufficient sleep. Sleep deprivation can cause heart-related issues, obesity, and diabetes. Making sleep a priority is a brilliant idea because it’s a significant risk factor for cancer.