Several symptoms of dementia can affect the way a person sleeps. A person with dementia may experience restless legs syndrome, where they repeatedly move their legs during rest periods. Another symptom is rapid eye movement, a disorder that makes people act out their dreams. In addition to sleep issues at night, a person with dementia may sleep excessively during the daytime. Less sleep duration may result in a person taking too many naps during the day, thus interfering with their nighttime sleep.
Activities to Help Loved Ones with Dementia Sleep at Night
There are several different ways to encourage a person with dementia to sleep well at night. Start by reducing the time spent on electronic screens since this can keep them awake. It’s also beneficial to record television shows to watch later. A hot bath is a great way to encourage sleep. Low lighting and a gentle massage are also helpful in encouraging sleepiness. Once you have created a routine, you can implement the tips mentioned earlier.
Activities to Reduce Irritability in People with Dementia
Many activities can help you manage a loved one’s irritability. Exercises with no right or wrong answers will be the most successful, as they will encourage engagement and bring enjoyment without expecting a result. y Activities involving fresh air and nature are so helpful.
Using a Timer
Using a timer for dementia and other sleeping disorders can help your loved one get more restful sleep. This is helpful if your loved one suffers from sleep apnea or restless legs syndrome; they’re not getting much sleep. You can also make the sleeping environment less stressful by encouraging daily physical activity. Having a restful environment will help your loved one to fall asleep and stay asleep.
Using a Weighted Blanket
Using a weighted blanket for patients with dementia has been shown to have many benefits. This type of blanket reduces anxiety and improves sleep. It is also an effective treatment for restless leg syndrome, a familiar adult condition. When the legs become restless, they have a creepy, crawly, or pins-and-needles sensation. In addition, the weighted blanket’s firm weight can reduce nervousness and agitation. The blanket can also help people with dementia to reduce anxiety by providing a calming, consistent pressure sensation.
Using a Calming Bedroom Environment
If your loved one is challenged with dementia, a calming bedroom environment is crucial for their health and well-being. Sleeping in a quiet, dark, cool bedroom promotes relaxation and quality sleep. Some items that can help promote good sleep include an analog clock or familiar objects. In addition, the bedroom must be safe and secure for the person affected by dementia. Beds should be free from hazards such as electric blankets, hot water bottles, and other items that can cause them injury.